Trade Enquiries

Here are contact details for our distributors in each state if you are a licensed outlet and are interested in stocking Breheny Brothers historical beers.
Queensland/ Northern NSW
Australian Beverage Brands
Shane Walsh | 0407 557 986
Inspired Drinks
John Bates | 0493 588 197
Victoria (Gippsland)
Simon Kelton | 03 5134 2906
Drinkwell Beverages
Lorcan Keane | 0449 261 122
Empire Liquor
Brenton Quirini | 08 8371 0088
Bert Wiggers | 0409 783 426
All other trade enquiries
James Breheny | 0418 237 354

Fancy a chat?

Maybe you want to stock our beer at your pub. Maybe you're interested in learning more about the history. Either way just shoot us a message and we'll get right back to you.
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